senegal y0ug0nnadi3 s

Parrot Lovers Paradise

A place for parrot owners and prospective owners to share information, stories, and pictures of their daily lives with our feathered friends.

birds, parrot, paradise, green, cheek, conure, amazon, parrots, african, grey, poichephalus, cape, budgie, parrotlet, parakeet, budgerigar, #senegal, cockatoo, cockatiel

Topics linked your research : senegal y0ug0nnadi3 s

New visa for senegal

hello, has anyone got any up to date info on the new visa requirement for Senegal, on the best place to get one and which boarder post have the facility to process them( apparently there biometric),they have just put the skids under my winter trip to

Hello from Dakar

Hello, I am just joining this Forum and taking an on-line class. I am currently in Dakar, Senegal. We've been here 3 months. We moved her from Germany. I tried doing SFGing there, too, with mixed results. It's hard to find Mel's Mix there as it will be

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