legged iclone

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Helpful Photos & Links

If you have any photos and/or links to videos that you think might be helpful or useful for James' efforts in the Philippines, please post them in this thread. Thanks!

Carrot help....

I planted Chantenay carrot seeds April 4th. Today day 68 I have noticed that seed/flower heads have developed. Is this right???? I did a bit of ready and I am almost sure that carrots should not produce the seed flowers in the first year ! looking like I

July Update in the C&T South

Happy July to you my region. This is the month we celebrate our Independence Day. part one Why every SFG is a Victory Garden If you know it or not vegetable gardening is a wounderful way to be independent and patriotic at the same time. By growing ou

Help! Weird bugs on tomato plants and possibly others

I haven't aggressively been attacking the pests yet but they seem to be starting. Yesterday I noticed these little pearl like things on some of the tomato leaves. What are these things and how can I best keep them and other pests off my veggies? I am

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